Playa Giron is a small beach on the eastern bank of the Bay of Pigs, in the southern center of Cuba, which today is a tourist center. Located in one of the largest wetlands in the world, Ciénaga de Zapata, passed into history in 1961, when it was chosen as one of the landing points for the Bay of Pigs invasion. Where is it located? This beach is located in the south central region of Cuba, on the eastern shore of the Bay of Pigs, within the Zapata Swamp, one of the most important wetlands in the world. Some of the nearby spas in this bay are Playa Maceo and Playa Larga. Almost 210 kilometers separates Playa Girón from Havana, a trip that takes place in the northwest direction. Regarding another important city of Cuba, Matanzas, separates about 150 kilometers by road. To the north it borders the forests of Cayo Ramona, to the east with those of Guasasa, to the south with the Sea Carbie, and to the west with the coast of the Bay. ...